Drwy rinwedd dadleuaeth eiriolaeth yr Iawn,
Moliannu Duw’r nefoedd yn gyhoedd a gawn,
Am eni’r Iachawdwr, y Prynwr mewn pryd,
Yn Geidwad i ddynion, a bwydion y byd.
O deuwn i’w dŷ a lleisiwn yn llu,
Mewn cariad gwir frawdol i’w ganmol yn gu.
Diolchwn da yw, Am fod yma’n fyw,
I gofio mabandod, a dyndod Mab Duw.
Cyn gwawriad naturiol wybrennol, ryw bryd
Llewrchai gwawr nefol arbedol i’r byd,
Sef gwawr Haul Cyfiawnder yn nyfnder y nos
I arwain rhai budron i’r Ffynnon o’r ffos.
Yr Iesu, o’i ras, ogwyddai i le gwas
Pan ddaeth yn dlawd arno i’n ceisio, rai cas.
Ni feddai Efe un llys yn y lle,
Na gwely, na cherbyd, Anwylyd y Ne’.
Clodforwn, clodforwn, Duw folwn hyd fedd
Creadwr, Cynhaliwr, a Rhoddwr gwir hedd.
Ei drigfa ‘mysg dynion, rai noethion, a wnaeth
A’r dynion i undod y Duwdod a ddaeth;
Fe anwyd mewn pryd y Baban i’r byd,
Gogoniant y dwthwn a godiwn i gyd.
Er gogan a gwawd mae’n Frenin mae’n Frawd;
Hwn i bechaduriaid yn Geidwad a ga’wd.
Angylion dihalog (tra enwog a’r tro)
Fu’n seinio moliannau hyd fryniau y fro
Am eni’r Iachawdwr yn Ddyddiwr i ddyn,
Yn Noddfa mewn trallod, yn Gyfaill a lŷn;
A ninnau yn awr a folwn yn fawr
Cydseinied y nefoedd a lluoedd y llawr:
Tra bo’n yn y byd, O rhoddwn ein bryd
Ar ddilyn yr Iesu, a’i garu i gyd.
By virtue of the argument of advocacy of the Almighty,
Praise the God of heaven in public which we receive,
For the birth of the Saviour, the Buyer in time,
A Keeper to men, and of the foods of the world.
O let us come to his house and let us cry in a host
In true brotherly love, To praise him dearly.
It is great thanks, Because he is here alive,
To remember the babyhood, and the humanity of the Son of God.
Before the natural dawn of the sky, sometime
There glowed a heavenly saving dawn upon the world,
That is the dawn of the Sun of Righteousness in the depths of the night
To lead the sinful ones to the Spring from the ditch.
Jesus, of His grace, he moved to the place of a servant
When he became impoverished to seek us bad ones.
He did not possess any court in the place,
No bed, no carriage, Beloved of Heaven.
Let us praise, praise, praise God until the grave
Creator, Host, and Giver of true peace.
His residence among men, the naked ones, he made
And the men to the unity of the Godhead he brought;
The Baby was born in time to the world,
The glory of the day let us all raise.
Despite mockery and ridicule he is the King, he is the Brother
He to sinners became a Saviour.
Pure angels (while known at the time)
Sounded praises along the hills of the valley
The Saviour was born on a Day to men,
A refuge in trouble, a Friend to the needy;
And we now praise you greatly
May the heavens and the forces of the earth sing together:
While we are in the world, O let us have our time
Following Jesus, and all loving him.