Mae gwahoddiad inni heddiw i gadw gŵyl.
Clywch heb gêl y clych yn canu, O! cadwn ŵyl.
Gŵyl i goffa’r bora dedwydd
Genedigaeth Crist yr Arglwydd,
Rhoddwn foliant am y newydd, O! cadwn ŵyl.
Heddiw ganed draw ym Methlem
Y gwir Seilo, aer Caersalem,
Ei addoli Ef a ddylem, O! cadwn ŵyl.
Gwelwn ganiad rhad difesur, O, ryfedd ras!
Ganwyd Ceidwad i bechadur, O, ryfedd ras!
Ca’dd ei eni o Fari’r Forwyn
Roddes laeth ei bron i’w Brenin
Ac a’i daliodd ar ei deulin. O, ryfedd ras!
Rhyfedd ydoedd ei gnawdoliaeth,
Rhyfedd yn ei enedigaeth,
Rhyfedd fywyd a marwolaeth. O, ryfedd ras!
Crist agorodd ffordd i’n gwared, Clod iddo byth;
Crist a’n dygodd o’n caethiwed, Clod iddo byth.
Iesu hynod roes ei Hunan
Dros bechadur euog, aflan,
I’w waredu o feddiant Satan, Clod iddo byth.
Ar ei lais, bechadur, gwrando,
Nid yw’n gwrthod neb ddêl ato
Ond yn derbyn pawb a gredo. Clod iddo byth.
Cyfieithiad i’r Saesneg
We are invited today to keep a festival.
Hear without ???? the bell ringing, O! we will keep a festival.
A festival to commemorate the happy morning
Of the birth of Christ the Lord,
We give praise for the news, Oh! we will keep a festival.
Today he was born over in Bethlehem The true Shiloh, the air of Jerusalem, Him we should worship, Oh! we we will keep a festival.
We see cheap, abundant ?mercy, Oh, wonderful grace!
A Saviour was born to for sinners, Oh, wonderful grace!
He was born from of the Virgin Mary
She gave milk of her breast to her King
And held him on her lap. Oh, wonderful grace!
Wonderful was his flesh, Wonderful in his birth,
Wonderful life and death. Oh, Wonderful grace!
Christ opened a way to deliver us, Glory to him forever;
Christ took us from our captivity, Glory to him forever.
Extraordinary Jesus gave Himself
For the guilty, unclean sinner,
To deliver him from Satan’s possession, Glory to him forever.
At his voice, sinner, listen,
He does not refuse anyone who comes to him
But accepts everyone who believes. Glory to him forever.