“Mae’n wir”, medd bugeiliaid wrth fynd ato Ef
“Fe glowsom y newydd, gan angel o’r nef;
Rhaid teithio i Fethlem lle ganed Mab Duw,
Mae’n rhaid ei addoli, ein ceidwad ni yw”.
“Mae’n wir”, medd angylion, a’u cân uwch y tir,
“Mae’n wir”, medd yr Arglwydd, “O! credwch, mae’n wir”.
“Mae’n wir”, medd y doethion wrth syllu i’r nen,
“Mae’r seren ryfeddol yn ddisglaer uwchben;
Rhaid i ni ei geisio i’w foli o hyd,
Fe’i ganed yn Frenin Brenhinoedd y byd”.
Mae’n wir”, meddai Joseff, “Mae’n wir”, meddai Mair,
“Rhoed inni’r addewid a chredwn y Gair;
Mae bellach yn gorwedd mewn preseb yn glyd,
Yn Faban bach annwyl, Gwaredwr y byd”.
Cyfieithiad i’r Saesneg
“It’s true”, said the shepherds on their way to Him
“We heard the news from an angel from heaven;
We must travel to Bethlehem where the Son of God was born,
We must adore him, our saviour he is”.
“It’s true”, said the angels in their song above the earth,
“It’s true”, said the Lord, “O! believe, it’s true”.
“It’s true”, said the wise men gazing at the heavens,
“The wondrous star shining above;
We must try to praise him always,
The King of Kings of the world is born”.
“It’s true”, said Joseph, “it’s true”, said Mary,
“The promise was given to us and we believe the Word;
Now lying cosy in a manger,
The dear little baby, the Saviour of the world”.