Mentra Gwen

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Clywch, clywch newyddion borau
Ddaeth o’r nef, ddaeth o’r nef,
Mab uchel i’r cadachau ddaeth o’r nef!
Bydd lawen iawn ferch Sion,
Yn fore gwisg dy goron,
Dy frenin doeth o galon
Ddaeth o’r nef, ddaeth o’r nef,
Pardynwr meibion dynion, ddaeth o’r nef.

Addewid oediog Eden
Yn y byd, yn y byd,
Esgorodd ar ei Bachgen, yn y byd;
Hwn ydyw Crist ein cysur
Gymerodd le pechadur
Fe wisgodd ef ein natur
Yn y byd, yn y byd,
I dalu a dwyn ein dolur yn y byd.

I’r Tad, Mab a’r Glân Ysbryd
Byddo clod, byddo clod,
Y Drindod ddifrycheulyd, byddo clod;
I’r Tad yn rad a’n carodd,
I’r Mab yn rad a’n prynodd,
I’r Ysbryd Glân a’n galwodd,
Byddo clod, byddo clod,
Tri’n undod, hanfod unfodd, byddo clod.

Cyfieithiad i’r Saesneg

Hear, hear the good news
That came from heaven, that came from heaven,
The high Son came to swaddling clothes from heaven!
Sion’s daughter will be very happy,
In the morning wear your crown, Your king wise of heart
Came from heaven, came from heaven,
The redeemer of the sons of men, he came from heaven.

The ancient promise of Eden
In the world, in the world,
She gave birth to her Boy, in the world;
This is Christ our comfort
He took the place of the sinner
He wore our nature
In the world, in the world,
To pay and bear our pain in the world.

To the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
Let there be praise, let there be praise
(To) the unblemished Trinity, let there be praise;
To the Father who loved us freely,
To the Son who bought us freely,
To the Holy Spirit who called us,
Let there be praise, let there be praise,
Three as unity, the essence of unanimity, praise be.