Dechrau canu, dechrau canmol
Ymhen mil o filoedd maith;
Iesu, bydd y pererinion
Hyfryd draw ar ben eu taith;
Ni cheir diwedd
Byth ar sŵn y delyn aur.
Yno caf fi ddweud yr hanes
Sut y dringodd eiddil, gwan
Drwy afonydd a thros greigiau
Dyrys anial, serth i’r lan:
Iesu eu hunan
Gaiff y clod drwy eitha’r nef.
Nid oes yno ddiwedd canu,
Nid oes yno ddiwedd clod,
Nid oes yno ddiwedd cofio
Pob cystuddiau a fu’n bod;
Byth ni dderfydd,
Canmol Dduw yn nhŷ fy Nhad.
Singing starts, extolling starts
After a thousand vast thousands
Jesus, the pilgrims will be
Pleasant yonder at their journey’s end;
There will be no end
Ever to the sound of the golden harp.
There I may tell the story
How he climbed, feeble, weak,
Through rivers and over rocks
Tricky, wild and steep to the goal;
Jesus himself
Will have the praise through the highest heaven.
There is there no end to singing,
There is there no end to praise,
There is there no end to remembering
All the afflictions which have been;
Never will end
The extolling of God in my Father’s house.
Source: https://www.angelfire.com/in/gillionhome/Worship/Emynau/emynau.html