Mae ’nghariad i’n Fenws, mae ’nghariad i’n fain,
Mae ’nghariad i’n dlysach na blodau y drain.
Fy nghariad yw’r lana’, a’r wynna’n y sir,
Nid canmol yr ydwyf, ond dwedyd y gwir.
Wych eneth fach annwyl sy’n lodes mor lan,
Ei gwyneb yn wridog a’i danedd man, man.
A’i dau lygaid gleision a’i dwy ael fel gwawn,
Fy nghalon a’i carai, pe gwyddwn y cawn!
Mae ’nghariad i’n caru fel cawod o law,
Weithiau ffordd yma, ac weithiau ffordd draw,
Ond cariad pur ffyddlon ni chariff ond un,
Y sawl a gar lawer, gaiff fod heb yr un.
My love is a Venus, my love is slender,
My love is more beautiful than flowers of thorns
My love is the purest and the fairest in the county,
I am not praising, but telling the truth.
Dear little wonderful girl, who is a maiden so pure,
Her face is so rosy and her teeth fine, fine.
And her two clear blue eyes, and her two eyebrows like gossamer,
My heart would love her, if I knew that I could!
My love, she loves like a shower of rain,
Sometimes this way, and sometimes that way.
But faithful, pure love she will only have one
Those who love many may be without any.