1. Mil henffych fore wawr
Ddaeth Crist i lawr o’r Nef,
Mewn gwisg o gnawd yn faban gwan
Boed llon ein cân a’n llef.
4. Daeth perl o nef y nef
I’n mysg i’r ddaear lawr
Mor hoffus yw – ei gaffael sydd
I fyrdd yn elw mawr.
6. Gorffennwyd agor ffordd
I’r Ganaan hyfryd wlad
Gorffenwyd gwisg cyfiawnder gwiw
I fyrdd o’r ddynol had.
7. Gogoniant fyth i’r Tad,
I’r Ysbryd Glân bo clod,
Ac i’r Mab cu a’n prynodd ni,
Byth, byth bo mawl yn bod.
1. A thousand hails to the morning dawn
Christ came down from Heaven,
In flesh as a weak baby
May our song and our cry be merry.
4. A pearl came from the heaven of heaven
Among us to the ground below
How lovely it is to acquire it
To many a great profit.
6. The open road was finished
To the beautiful land of Canaan
The robe of fine justice was finished
To the myriad of the human seed.
7. Glory for ever to the Father,
To the Holy Spirit be praise,
And to the beloved Son who bought us,
Ever, ever will there be praise.