Tune traditional, words J. Glyn Davies.
Heavy Weather. Tune, ‘Difyrrwch ifan Delynwr’. “A good tune, quite unknown. Swnt Enlli, Bardsey Sound, a dirty place at the best of times, with a six-knot spring tide. Gole Enlli, Bardsey Light”. (J. Glyn Davies).
Mi fynnwn i fod ar dir pe cawn,
Y mae Swnt Enlli’n beryg iawn;
Ond cael fy nhroed ar dir nid awn
Ar Fflat Huw Puw.
Mae brig pob moryn mawr yn wyn,
A’r llong yn mynd o bant i fryn,
A minne’n dal wrth raff yn dynn,
Yn hanner sâl a hanner syn:
Peth sobor iawn yw bod fel hyn
Ar Fflat Huw Puw.
Mae Huw wrth y llyw ers amser maith
Yn smocio shag er dechre’r daith;
Ni fedrwn byth wneud hyn o waith
Ar Fflat Huw Puw.
Mae Dafydd Jones yn berwi pys,
Yng ngwaetha’r Swnt, yn fawr ei flys,
A llenwi’i geg â’i fawd a’i fys,
A minne’n crynu yn fy nghrys:
Mi eis i’r môr ar ormod brys
Ar Fflat Huw Puw.
Ni thâl byth i longwr iawn gael braw,
A môr tawelwch bron gerllaw;
Mae gole Enlli’n wincio draw
Ar Fflat Huw Puw.
Mae’r llong i fyny ac i lawr,
Ond cawn fôr llonydd ‘mhen rhyw awr;
Mae dros y mynydd flaen y wawr;
Mi goda inne i fyny’n gawr:
Rwyf wedi bod ar dywydd mawr
Ar Fflat Huw Puw.
I would want to be on land if I could,
Bardsey Sound is very dangerous;
But to get my foot on land I’m not going to
On Huw Puw’s Flat.
The top of each large wave is white, And the ship going from hollow to hill,
And me holding onto a rope tightly,
Half sick and half shocked:
A very sobering thing is being like this
On Huw Puw’s Flat.
Huw has been at the tiller for a long time
Smoking “shag” despite the journey starting;
I could never do that type of work
On Huw Puw’s Flat.
Davy Jones is boiling peas
The worse the Sound, the greater his pleasure,
And fills his mouth with his thumb and finger,
And me shaking in my shirt:
I came to the sea in too much of a hurry
On Huw Puw’s Flat.
A proper sailor is never paid to have fright,
And a sea of calm is almost at hand; The light of Bardsey winking across
On Huw Puw’s Flat.
The ship is up and down,
But we will get a still sea within about an hour;
Over the mountain nearby is the dawn
I myself will rise up as a giant:
I have experienced heavy weather
On Huw Puw’s Flat.