Wele daeth briallu Mair
A llygad dydd ar hyd y ddôl,
Ciliodd henaint daear lwyd
A daeth ieuenctid yn ei ôl;
Lle bu ddistaw lonydd lwyn
Y deffry eto leisiau fyrdd
Dewin tes sy’n dwyn y tir
O dan ei rwyd o dyner wyrdd.
Gaea ddaeth a gaeaf aeth
A haf a’u dilyn yn ei dro;
Ond nid byrddydd gaeaf blin
Ond hirddydd haf fydd yn y co’.
Ef a rydd y wawr a’i wên
Ar atgof am y gaeaf hen;
Byth ni phaid ei hyder ef
Can’s addwyn ha sy’n addo nef.
See the cowslip came
And the daisy along the meadow,
Old age turned earth grey
And youth came after it;
Where merry groves were quiet
Many voices awaken again
The wizard of warmth bears the land
Under his net of gentle green.
Winter came and winter went
And summer follows it in its turn;
But it is not the dull winter solstice
But the summer solstice that will be in the memory.
It is he who gives the dawn and its smile
In memory of the old winter;
Never will his confidence cease
For a gentle summer that promises heaven.